Friday, July 13, 2007


us humans. we can't really live without companionship, can we? be it friends or enemies. we need people around us to fuel our emotions. without that, we're just empty shells, fossilised turtles (here's thinking of u mona - u make me associate everything with turtles!).

i've found out that i love sharing experiences with people. with just one common experience and you feel linked, even with people whom you've never met before. a common love of a place, a common emotional response to a situation (occupational hazard - normal response to an abnormal situation anyone?), the feeling of being persecuted. we all are connected somehow, and for that, the world just seems so big and yet so small at the same time.


Unknown said...

you've been in a psych unit too long! But i agree. funny how common exp, or adversity, ties pp together.

the frog that wants to be a princess said...

yes. tell me about it... see how we came about? birthed from anarchy.